Lincoln-Goldfinch Law Video Library
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Kate and Fidel join to share some news about updates in the USCIS processes on some cases and the requirement of vaccination at your biometrics appointment.
Austin-based immigration attorney, Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch, is joined with her assistant, Fidel Campuzano, on Facebook Live to discuss how immigration cases may be affected in light of the recent pandemic and social distancing guidelines.
If you are concerned about this affecting your immigration case, please call or text(855) 502-0555 We are only accepting virtual consultations at this time. Thank you for doing your part in helping to prevent community spread!
Hello everyone! During this time of quarantine, Lincoln-Goldfinch Law – Abogados de Inmigración is still working on your cases and will be updating you as much as possible.
Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch is working hard from home and answering your questions regarding immigration appointments and hearings during the COVID19 pandemic. If you are concerned about how this may affect your immigration case, please call or text (855) 502-0555.
Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch speaks on immigration updates during Coronavirus.
Will unemployment affect public charge? Is ICE still detaining people? Questions or concerns? Call or text (855) 502-0555 to speak to a Lincoln-Goldfinch Law – Abogados de Inmigración representative today!
This is an English/Spanish video where Kate gives an update on immigration cases related to Coronvirus closures. If you are concerned about how this pandemic has affected your case, please call or text (855) 502-0555 for help today
Please join LGL attorneys Kate, Cori, and Krystal, for a webinar on Wednesday, April 15 at 11:00am central time (Spanish) and 2:00pm central (English), where we will discuss the various ways your status could be affected during this pandemic.
An article published by the Public Security Department of Texas found that between 2015 and 2019, the immigrant community had a 50 percent lower crime rate than those born in the United States. However, despite their lower rate, immigrants have a 40 percent higher chance of going to prison. But, what rights do immigrants have when detained? If I get detained can I still adjust my immigration status? Can I get a pardon if I have a criminal history?
This weekend had some lessons for us that we would like to share with you.
We’re talk about what you guys need to know when you have an interaction with the police. Whether you get pulled over for DWI or it’s on the street or whatever the interaction is.
Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch, Austin Immigration Attorney, is live on Facebook to discuss the latest on DACA. (855) 502-0555.
If you’re an immigrant, this video is for you! Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch explains your rights during an interaction with the police. Please direct your questions or concerns to (855) 502-0555.
Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch and Fidel Campuzano host a very special Facebook Live to celebrate and announce The Supreme Court ruling against the Trump Administration’s decision to end DACA. (855) 502-0555.
It’s military spouse appreciation day! Let’s talk about immigration benefits for military families. Attorney Kate talks to us about Parole-in-place. Call or send a text with your questions to (855) 502-0555.
For many immigrants living in the United States, access to financial resources and services, such as savings and checking accounts, business loans, and home mortgages, is very difficult to acquire. Some of the reasons why immigrants have less access to financial institutions can be limited English language proficiency, lack of experience with American banking institutions, and the requirement for a Social Security Number.
The purpose of our program is for you to know what’s going on and what’s new for immigrants, and in general information that is beneficial to your life. That’s why today we were talking about financial wellness for immigrants.
We talk with Stephanie Chavarria from Foundation Communities about what immigrants need to know about filing taxes.
Attorney Kate and Fidel Campuzano talk about DACA, TPS, asylum and deportation hearings updates.
There are a lot of reasons people decide not to seek help when filing for an immigration process. People may believe it’s cheaper or easier to file for an immigration process on their own, however, trying to file for an immigration process on your own can waste your time, money and effort. There are currently many social media platforms that make it very easy for people to share details about their lives. Now, more than ever before, it is easy for people to gather and share information on online forums about their experiences with (or doubts in) the immigration system.
In 2015, the United States legalized same-sex marriage in all 50 states with a historic Supreme Court ruling. Five years later, in May 2020, Costa Rica also legalized same-sex marriage, becoming the first Central American country to do so. However, there are many countries that do not recognize LGBTQ+ relationships, and even punish people for being openly part of the LGBTQ+ community.
The COVID-19 pandemic caused government services offices to shut or slow down much of their operations for months on end. Even as these offices have reopened and moved to hire more workers to help with the work backlog, the sheer number of immigration petitions have not stopped.
The Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) is a tax-processing number issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to ensure that anyone residing in the United States regardless of immigration status is able to pay taxes. The ITIN program was introduced in July 1996, and has allowed undocumented immigrants to pay billions in taxes annually for nearly 26 years. Undocumented immigrants pay more than $11 billion a year in state and local taxes, according to a 2017 Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy report. Research shows that if immigrants were granted a pathway to legal immigration status, the tax contribution would increase by $2.1 billion. 💸 But, what is the purpose of paying taxes? How can I request an ITIN from the IRS? What if I send money back to my home country –do I need to report that too?
“Immigration updates on USCIS delays, more updates and a little talk about T-Visa.
Attorneys Kate and Sonia join to explain all the types of immigration based on employment and the visas you can get out of them in the US.
“Immigration updates on USCIS delays, more updates and a little talk about T-Visa.
Join us, leave us your comments and questions and share this video with someone who needs to know this. For a free consultation call or text: (855) 599-8500
“Attorney Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch shares the latest update about TPS. Leave us your comments or call (855) 599-8500 to ask us your questions.”
“We want to tell you about the latest updates on the Immigration Reform Bill that Biden proposed since his first day in office.
Asks us your questions, share your comments with us. Give us a call: (855) 599-8500″
We’re talking about some of the things you can do when a loved one is detained by an agent of law enforcement. Call or text us: (855) 599-8500.
We are giving you some recommendations to start and prepare for whatever may come with Biden’s immigration reform.
Today is the first day of Biden’s administration and we have some breaking news for you.
We share with you some news about Biden’s plan to announce an immigration reform package bill. And about some of the cases’ processing times.
We let you know what documents you need when you’re starting your case. Call or text us: (855) 599-8500.
We are wrapping up 2020, taking a look into policies and talking about a look ahead to 2021 under Biden.
Attorney Kate tells us about the different kind of scams that exist in the immigration world.
Attorney Kate answers all your questions and discussed the new citizenship exam.
Attorney Kate and Fidel Campuzano talk about what changes we can expect in 2020 and 2021 and how we should prepare.
Attorney Kate tells us about the importance of including all the requested information in order to have a successful case that can be processed as quickly as possible.
Attorney Kate tells us about how each case is different and why it is good to consult with a professional and not rely on the comments and experiences of other people.
Abogada Kate answers your questions regarding how this upcoming presidential election may or may not affect your case. Please do not wait for the results of this election to file your immigration application.
Austin Immigration Attorney Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch is live every Tuesday on Facebook!
Our client Aaron got his greencard this week! He’s live with us today to share his experience with the immigration process. Be sure to share this video with a friend who may need this information! If you have more questions for Kate, call or text us at 512-599-8500
DACA UPDATE: Yesterday, a federal judge ordered the Trump administration to start accepting initial DACA applications! In this video, Immigration Attorney Kate, her assistant Roxana, and baby Winnie discuss what this means and how to prepare.
Kate and Elizabeth debrief after a legal visit at the Hutto Women’s Detention Center where they meet with moms whose kids were taken.
One of the most frequent confusions amongst immigrants is the differences between a deportation order, a voluntary departure, and an expedited departure. Sometimes these three procedures are mistaken for being the same thing. However, the reality is that these are three different procedures with very different migratory consequences. Leaving the United States is a common fear among immigrants, more when we are talking about deportation, or if we have to leave because there is no other choice. No matter the circumstances, being separated from our loved ones is always hard.
Title 42 is one of the biggest anti-immigrant policies to come out of the Trump administration. Originally, Title 42 was enacted as part of the Public Health Service Act of 1944 as a response to World War II. On March 20, 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield authorized the use of Title 42 to “expel” migrants seeking asylum in as little as 15 minutes in order to control the spread of COVID-19.
A pair of Ukrainian-American twins were less than two weeks old, born prematurely via surrogate near Kyiv, Ukraine, when the city turned into a war zone. Lenny and Moishe were born at 32 weeks, and needed intensive care due to their premature birth. The hospital in Kyiv had no bomb shelter and no basement, and were in grave danger. Although the twins were born US citizens, getting them to the safety of their parents in the United States was no easy feat legally. Our very own Abogada Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch, alongside VECINA CEO Lindsay Goldford Gray, led the immigration law aspect of the rescue mission.
We are talking about work permits in general. What are they? When you receive one? What happens after?
If you have any questions about the process after being detained if you are an immigrant leave us your comments, call or text us to receive a free consultation (855) 599-8500
Austin Immigration Attorney, Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch, discusses the latest news on TPS for Venezuelans.
Three things to know about TPS:
1. Anyone from Venezuela or who lived in Venezuela before coming to the United States is elegible to apply.
2. You must have entered before March 8, 2021.
3. It will last for 18 months.
My TPS or DACA status might be ending. What will happen to me?
In this Facebook Live we have an update on the latest TPS ruling, trafficking visas, and what to do if you are in an accident on the job with special guest Cristina Garcia-Chappell! If you have any questions on anything that was mentioned in this video, please call or text us at 512-599-8500.
What is going with work permits for asylum seekers? Kate explains the new regulations. The important date to keep in mind is August 25th, which is when everything shifts. Make sure you get your case in!
In this video, we’ll provide updates on the City of Austin COVID threat level, updates on immigration case processing and filing fees, and we have a special guest from the Austin Police Department who will discuss how to file police reports when you have been a crime victim.
What immigration options are there for the LGBTQ+ community? Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch and Fidel Campuzano break it down. (855) 502-0555.
Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch discusses options for immigrants who may be stuck at home in an abusive situation. Call or text 512-599-8500 if you believe you may be eligible for VAWA.
Hoy estamos en vivo con la abogada de accidentes, Laura Ramos James de Ramos James Law, PLLC. Estaremos hablando de los derechos de los inmigrantes indocumentados cuando se encuentran en un accidente automovilístico. Comparten este video con un amigo que necesite esta información! Si tienes otras preguntas llama o manda un mensaje al (855) 502-0555.
When somebody has been in the United States without permission, they may need to obtain a waiver when they are looking to gain legal status. Every type of case comes with different waivers and it’s essential to understand when we may need one. Waivers are especially essential when we talk about family petitions and individuals that may have a bar within their immigration history. Perhaps you are wondering if you can help a family member get a waiver or if you need one.
Leaving the United States is a fear many immigrants have, and sometimes they have to face that fear if they wish to obtain legal status in the United States, through what is called the “Consular Process.” The Consular Process is the procedure of applying for an immigrant visa in a foreign country. It is commonly used when the immigrant is obtaining status through a family petition. In the United States, there are approximately 16.2 million people who live in mixed-status families. For families, one of the hardest parts of obtaining legal status is being separated during this process that feels like a lot of unknowns.
The increase of migrants coming to the United States from Latin America, the Caribbean, and Asia in the past couple of years has brought multiple economic benefits to the country, and it has also grown the number of mixed-status families which has reached 10 million during the last years. A mixed status marriage is made up of one foreign-born and one native-born spouse. When one of the spouses lives abroad, there is an option to provide legal status for the foreign citizen. The K-1 visa permits the migrant to travel to the United States and marry their U.S. citizen sponsor. K-1 nonimmigrant status automatically expires after 90 days and cannot be extended. In these 90 days, the couple must marry so the migrant can obtain permanent residence. But, what happens exactly in the K-1 “fiance” visa? What happens if you don’t get married? Is there a way to obtain a waiver?
Those who are looking to obtain a green card through marriage must convince the U.S immigration authorities that they are married in “good faith” and not just to obtain an immigration benefit. If an officer suspects that a marriage may not be in good faith, they can schedule what is known as a Stokes Interview. The Stokes interview is a couple’s second evaluation to convince the USCIS officer of their good faith marriage. Unfortunately, many couples, think that because they are in a true and loving marriage, that they do not need to spend time gathering evidence of their good faith marriage, and preparing for the interview.
A Conditional Green Card provides a two-year residency to a person married to a U.S Citizen. During these two years, the couple must build a record to prove a good faith marriage. According to USCIS, a small percentage of marriage-based Green Card applications are fraudulent. Less than one percent of these applications are declined for fraud. At the end of the two years, the couple must file a Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence, known as Form I-751. It’s important to note that while a Green Card can be renewed every 10 years, a Conditional Green Card cannot be renewed. Other than that, and in most cases, a Conditional Resident has the same rights as a Green Card holder.
In 2019, it was estimated that 17.8 million children in the United States had at least one foreign-born parent –including parents who became naturalized citizens, lawful permanent residents, or were undocumented immigrants. For millions of US-born children, the worry that their parents may be taken away by immigration can be all-consuming. But, what can the children of immigrants do to ensure their parents are safe? What are the requirements in order to petition a Green Card for a parent? What is an I-130?
We talk about the removal of conditions on a green card that affects a lot of people and there’s lots of questions about it when we have one of this cases.
We give you all the answers to your questions like “”What happens when you get a greencard through marriage and it is only a two year greencard? Then what? What does that look like?
Attorney Kate tells us a little more about her experience with the consular process, how it is carried out and what it represents, and how her office makes sure that your process is safe.
Attorney Kate tells us about the differences between adjustment of status and the consular process, and which are the scenarios that make us qualify for these processes.
In this video, we discuss how to petition for your child. How do we do that? How long does it take?
Austin immigration attorney, Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch, is live on Facebook to discuss Adjustment of Status. I am applying for my green card. What is the process like? Can I travel while my case is pending?
If you have a two year green card, what happens if your marriage doesn’t work out? Plus, The student visa regulation about online classes impacts all F-1 students – watch for what you need to know!
After several years of living in the United States, permanent residents can obtain citizenship. A study conducted by Educational Partners International shows that immigrants who become citizens increase their income by 5%.
Unfortunately, according to the statistics, naturalization rates are low. It’s estimated that there are more than 7 million people in the United States that may qualify for obtaining citizenship; however, on average, USCIS only receives 700,000 applications per year.
If you have the opportunity to apply for citizenship, we encourage you to do it because becoming a citizen can give you more security and peace of mind, not only for yourself but for your family as well.
Fidel Campuzano joins Kate to talk about how to become a citizen so you can vote! Watch this video to learn the difference between acquired and derived citizenship and naturalization.
Kate and Roxana discuss the citizenship process. Our Lincoln-Goldfinch Law – Abogados de Inmigración team joins us today answering citizenship questions and talking about the process from personal experience.
Lincoln-Goldfinch Law – Abogados de Inmigración is so excited for 2023! We are even more excited to share our favorite stories, hopes for next year and more with you all today! We are so happy and thankful to be a part of the wonderful LGL community alongside you. Join us (Tania, Fidel and Jenny) for this very special episode of The Goldie Show that you won’t want to miss!
Federal Judge Andrew Hanen has decided that DACA is illegal. Only those who submit their application to DACA for the first time are being affected – We’re here to let you know more details on this ruling and give you enough information so that you feel safe taking your personal decisions.
Join us this morning while we discuss important information and details from DACA.
What do you know about the dreamers? We want to share with you more advantages you can take while awaiting your legal status.
Attorney Kate tells us about the news about DACA, the order of Homeland Security, requirements and advance parole.
Hi friends! We are receiving many questions about who can file an initial DACA application. This is an English video of general immigration updates where I explain who should file for a new application, what the deal is with USCIS workers who will be furloughed in August, and what Trump’s recent Executive Orders mean for the foreseeable future.
English Video: Immigration Attorney Kate gives an update on DACA. If you have any questions please comment below or call our office at (855) 502-0555.
Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch, Austin Immigration Attorney, is live on Facebook to discuss the latest on DACA.
Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch, Austin Immigration Attorney, is live on Facebook to discuss the latest on DACA.
DACA UPDATE: Yesterday, a federal judge ordered the Trump administration to start accepting initial DACA applications! In this video, Immigration Attorney Kate, her assistant Roxana, and baby Winnie discuss what this means and how to prepare.
Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch and Fidel Campuzano host a very special Facebook Live to celebrate and announce The Supreme Court ruling against the Trump Administration’s decision to end DACA. (855) 502-0555.
I debated Stephen Miller on border immigration policies and in spite of being interrupted and talked over, I’m grateful to have had a chance to speak the truth.