Dear Client:

Great news! Your U-Visa Certification has been signed! 🎉 

Getting your U-Visa case certified means that you and your Legal Team can advance with your U-Visa application. This is a very exciting and important step in your case, and we want to keep it moving forward. 

Your Certification will expire six (6) months from the date it was signed, so the principal application MUST be submitted to immigration before your Certification expires. 

Though this may seem like a lot of time before the expiration date, we encourage you to start collecting all of the necessary documents immediately, so that you don’t feel rushed at the last minute. 

Soon, you will receive a Welcome email from your Client Care Specialist with a questionnaire and a list of documents that we will need from you, and your derivatives, if you have opted to add any family members to your U-Visa case. 

Please turn in your questionnaire and as many documents as you can gather within the first month, so that your Legal Team may begin to prepare your application and work as efficiently as possible. 

You MUST turn in all of the required documents that have been requested from you at least one (1) month before your Certification expires. This will ensure that your Legal Team has sufficient time to review and prepare your application. 

If your application is not submitted to immigration before your Certification expires, we will have to start over again from the very beginning, and have to request a new Certification. It is not guaranteed that the law enforcement agency will Certify your case a second time. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your Client Care Specialist. Your Legal Team is readily available to address any questions or concerns you may have.

Thank you for your trust and confidence.

Lincoln-Goldfinch Law – Abogados de Inmigración

  • 7. Affidavit
  • 8. Initial Doc Review
  • 9. Documents Gathered
  • 10. Preparing Forms
  • 11. Preparing Packet
  • 12. Packet Is Being Filed
  • 13. Receipt Notice
  • 14. Biometrics Appointment
  • 15. Pending Notice
  • 16. Request For Evidence
  • 17. Deferred Action
  • 18. Work Permit
  • 19. U-Visa Approved
  • 20. Concluding Your Case