How To Navigate Each Step Of The Naturalization Process
Becoming a citizen through naturalization is the ultimate immigration achievement. It opens doors to new opportunities, including voting, obtaining [...]
A Crash Course On Citizenship!
Fidel Campuzano joins Kate to talk about how to become a citizen so you can vote! Watch this video [...]
How Does The Citizenship Process Works
English and Spanish Video: Austin immigration attorney Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch and her assistant Roxana discuss the citizenship process. Our Lincoln-Goldfinch [...]
Dual Citizenship Rules vs. Second Passport Differences
Guest Post provided by courtesy of Rapid Passport. Click here for more info. The concept of Dual or Second [...]
Should You Become A U.S. Citizen If You Qualify?
Austin Immigration Attorney, Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch joins the Austin Bar Association to bring you informative videos about immigration! [...]
Valentine’s Day 2017
This February 14th we celebrate a client that was recommended for citizenship. Love always wins! If you or a [...]