My Thoughts On The Migrant Caravan
There are some important things to consider about the caravan of asylum seekers coming to the US border. I [...]
Facebook Live: Errores Comunes Sin Representación Legal
Hoy la abogada Kate y Roxana hablan sobre errores comunes que comente la comunidad inmigrante al hacer sus casos [...]
How Does The Citizenship Process Works
English and Spanish Video: Austin immigration attorney Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch and her assistant Roxana discuss the citizenship process. Our Lincoln-Goldfinch [...]
Tips For Immigrants
Immigration attorney Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch and her assistant Roxana talk about rumors of people being detained at their immigration interviews. [...]
Scary Mommy Exclusive: Mom Detained At The Border
By Christine Organ Emma (name changed), a Guatemalan mother seeking asylum, who had been separated from her young son, [...]