Read the latest News, Immigration Law Updates & what life in general awaits for you as a United States immigrant.
Violence Against Women Panel At WE Con Austin 2016
Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch, an Austin immigration attorney, hosted a panel at this year's Women's Empowerment Conference (WE Con) on violence against women. WE Con aims to build a community for all women of all ages [...]
Nora Goes To Court It might surprise you to hear that immigrants are not given free legal representation in court -- even if they are children. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) recently sued the Justice Department [...]
Barbara Hines On Family Detention Centers
Barbara Hines On Family Detention Centers We've said once and we'll say it again: Detention centers are not suitable for people escaping crime and violence. Barbara Hines makes several great points about family detention [...]
Univision Citizenship Forum
Recently, we were part of a forum conducted by Univision about U.S. citizenship, how to obtain it, what rights it grants, and any other aspect that listeners have doubts or questions. We know that [...]
American Heart Association – Go Red For Women
The Go Red For Women campaign, founded by the American Heart Association, aims to spend awareness of the fact that women's number one killer is heart disease. Most importantly, its purpose serves to motivate [...]
Help Stop Raids At Family Detention Centers
The Department of Homeland Security, under the direction of Secretary Jeh Johnson, began its operation focused on the immediate removal of undocumented immigrants and their families, the majority of which are seeking asylum from [...]
A Day In the Life: Refugees & Their Stories
American Gateways is an inspiring non-profit organization dedicated to providing legal aid and representation to immigrants and asylum-seekers. Below are a few of the stories from refugees American Gateways has helped -- if you [...]
It’s Time To Be Heard Again!
Tell Texas: Detention Centers Are Not Child Care Facilities! On November 20, 2015, state District Judge Karin Crump of Travis County ruled that Texas may not claim an "emergency" to expedite the licensing of two [...]
Join AILA In Protecting Syrian Refugees
AILA.ORG -- As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, Syrian refugees are still fleeing and in need of protection worldwide. Since its founding, our nations has given refuge to those fleeing persecution. But now, many want [...]
Refugee Services Of Texas In Austin Seeks Volunteers
Interested In Helping Refugees Find Peace In Texas? The Refugee Services in Texas - Austin holds volunteer orientations on the first Tuesday of every month at 12:00 PM (noon) and again at 6:30 PM. Choose [...]