DHS Memos On Immigration Executive Orders
DHS memos implementing the Executive Orders on immigration have been signed. My understanding is that they are final but not published. They do what we feared: massively increase detention, apply mandatory detention to detained immigrants wherever possible, apply expedited removal (summary deportation with no judicial review) across the board, and deputize local law enforcement agencies to be immigration enforcers. All undocumented immigrants are a priority, not just those with criminal histories. These memos tell us that DHS intends to follow Trump’s orders completely.
I will do a bilingual newsletter discussing this in more detail in the coming week (email kate@lincolngoldfinch.com to be added), but here is the bottom line: undocumented immigrants should have proof on them at all times they have been in the US for longer than two years (if they have been). Those in legal status or in the process need to carry that proof at all times. All immigrants should memorize the phone number of a loved one to call if they are apprehended. If you are arrested, the only information to give to ICE is your name, DOB, and address. DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING until you speak to an attorney.
It’s difficult to stay positive in times like these, but I want my immigrant friends to remember that there are thousands of great immigration lawyers across this nation gearing up to fight for you and your rights. And your friends will support and advocate for you. You are welcome here.
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