Dear Client:

You are receiving this email because your U-Visa application was submitted to immigration one (1) year ago. We know that you must be anxious and wondering why it’s taking so long. 

Because visa limits are set by the government, only 10,000 U-Visas are available each year. However, because there have always been more than 10,000 applicants each year, for the past several years, a long backlog and waitlist has developed. 

We know it can be hard to wait, but we promise, it will all be worthwhile in the end. Your Legal Team is here for you at any time if you have a question, and we will reach out to you as soon as we have updates about your case. 

The good news is that the Biden Administration has made the work permit process faster, so you should receive a work permit long before your U-Visa is approved. Because this is a new initiative by the government, we don’t know exactly how long it will take for you to receive your work permit. 

Once you receive your work permit, you will also be issued a Social Security Card, and you will be eligible to apply for a Driver’s License. 

Please let us know right away if anything in your life changes that you want us to know about. 

Remember that you should NOT travel while your U-Visa is pending, because you do NOT have travel authorization, and you will not be allowed to legally re-enter the United States even though you have an application pending, and even though you may already have your work permit.  

If you MUST leave the U.S. for an emergency, please call us right away so that we can discuss whether or not you’d like to continue to wait for your U-Visa to be approved outside of the United States, and whether you will need to undergo  Consular Processing instead. 

If you have any family members, such as a spouse, children, parents, or siblings, and you want to know if they can be included in your U-Visa application, it’s not too late! Call us so that we can discuss their eligibility, and what any associated costs might be. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your Client Care Specialist. Your Legal Team is readily available to address any questions or concerns you may have. 

Thank you for your trust and confidence.

Our best,

Lincoln-Goldfinch Law